The following collection of real love poems contains the best love poems that we choose from various sources. Love poetry is not only a part of the literary art, but now it has become a place to unleash the emotions the expression of the heart and the hidden feelings that cannot be conveyed directly.

Real Love Poems From The Heart
Hear the rain outside the window.
She is the vibrations of my aging longing.
Conserved by stones in the taste page.
Look at the raindrops out there.
He is the missing seeds of my love.
The heart fell from the ceiling in sorrow.
Feel the raindrops outside the window.
He is my tears that hit.
The wet ones flooded the hearts of men.
About such a great moment
From someone who is currently hooked
By the beauty of the lady
Which is really beautiful and beautiful
With a sweet and shiny smile
With such beautiful eyes
To be able to make me always crave
About this feeling…
Which is still the same as the other day
And will remain intact
Until the end of my life
Never knows time
Never knew the place
Love is sincere
Love is generous
Love is self-sacrificing
Love is loyal
Never betray love
Even if our relationship ends here
It wasn't love that made it
But circumstances are what separates
I'm sure
My love and your love is blossoming
Even in my heart
Hopefully love is what brings us together
May love also deliver our hopes
So that we can live side by side.
My love, you are the purpose of my life
And you are my passion
With you is eternal joy
Your absence is burning in your heart
You are the madness of my life
My only love
A love that is shameless
An adoration that is beyond reproach
O, heal me from deadly sorrow
Suffering is my martyrdom
The sword of my death love
I won't stop loving you
Or open what is closed
Love is law and medicine to me
Whether hidden or open
Praise my eyes that look at you
Oh God, you are so full of charm
I’m so in love with you
The moon and stars not so clear tonight
The morning sun doesn't smell like before
during the day thirst for sun rays
when I feel about you
not a single bird sing a song
all the symphony fade away
Tired of footsteps
follow the rhymes of harmony
imagined a lonely sliced soul
welcomed the body that blushed to death
when your face is present in dreams
enter into hallucinations
break down the walls of emotion
Only feelings can understand
hope your presence beside
hugging sadness in the heart
destroy miss on the horizon edge
together waiting for the beautiful sun
move to the rhythm of the melody
until the eternal dream is achieved
until death will end.
Time has followed our path together
There is a playful smile
There are tears that come with tears
All are the fondest memories of my life
About you and I love you forever and ever.
Real Deep Love Poems
You are my only reason
The reason I smile all the time
The reason I'm excited about life
The reason I never gave up when the storm came
I am your shadow
You can't reach, but always behind you
Maybe not me
But my memory that never passes
We never greet each other
My name do you know it?
But my smile seemed to imply everything you know about me
I know you well
I'm always looking for it
Yes, that's me
That doesn't leave for a second in your name
I was willing to waste thousands of years on that one precious day
Let all even myself hate me
I will never die no matter who you are to kill me
For you
Even if we meet tomorrow
Let me bleed wounds only to find you smile at me
It's not easy to know the name of love
Love can make people different
For those who know him
Love is a gift in his life
For those who don't know him
Love is the enemy in his life
To know love
We have to be really ready
Ready to face the reality
Love that accepts us as we are
Want to share joy and sadness with us
It's not easy to get love
We have need more struggle
Because of true love
Will never be,
willing to see his lovers hurt
Real True Love Poems
Maybe it's too early for us
To know love
Stringing the beautiful rope of romance
Thousands of sharp pebbles blocked
The wind is crashing
Decorate long journeys
But believe me
God has prepared
A more beautiful story
From what a dream
Let the time roll
Like a wheel that keeps turning
Continue our steps
Towards the throne of love
Let the beautiful world
Witness our love
Until the night closes the soul.
How can?
I have to erase your name in your heart
While I'm used to enjoying
Every alphabet that makes up your name in your heart
How can?
I brushed the strokes of the letters on the soul
Therefore desire never wears out
Whereas I can never move on and pass
when gentle strokes paint over your presence
How can?
I suspended the amorous notes
Melodious humming in the troughs of the soul
When the lyrics are strung by him
Tells about our love story
How can?
I save the flow of tears that fall slowly
Even the sobs in my soul could not be held back
When feel missing, is never let go on my side
The day when you come,
Is the day when my heart,
Is broken badly wounded
When loneliness hits the soul
You light me up with your smile
With your sweet smile
You make me comfortable with you
And I always want to see you
Smile sweetly all your day
In your eyes
I feel there is a light shining on me
In my dark
Changed bright by the radiant beauty of your eyes
Ohh my angel
Thank you for coming to me
You make me
Happy with you
Happy that you can't
Expressed with words
But only can
Felt with love.
Alright, that was the real love poems that are full of the meaning of love in them. There are still many other love poems, so follow along by subscribing to your email to subscribe to the next love poem content.